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go outside :: skiing steamboat during covid

That brat Cov!d has tried to rob us of our favorite seasonal activities both indoors and out. Lucky for us, skiing is hanging on and so long as we continue to follow all the proper guidelines, fingers crossed we can continue skiing throughout the entire ski season!

We know that skiing during Covid times brings lots of questions and we are here to help. The Steamboat Resort and our local Chamber have both outlined the do’s and don’ts of skiing during these times...but to help you out and save you a few clicks of the mouse, we complied and answered the most frequently asked questions in one place!


Do we need reservations to ski/snowboard? At this time, no though the resort is limiting the number of daily tickets sold.

Do we have to buy our tickets ahead of time? Yes! You can buy your tickets ahead of time by calling 877-783-2628 or visiting the Steamboat Resort website.

How do we receive our tickets once we purchase them online? If you purchase your lift tickets 10 days before your arrival, they can be mailed to you by the resort. You may also print your tickets at one of two kiosks located at the base of the mountain or by visiting a ticket window.

So, the ticket windows are still open? Yes, but with limited services. They are primarily open to help you print your pre-purchased tickets and for answering questions.

Do we have to ride the gondola or lifts with skiers who aren’t in our group? Not if you don’t want to, no. The ski area is prioritizing making you feel comfortable and if that means taking the gondola/lifts solo, then that is what they will do! Keep in mind that it may mean waiting a few minutes for the lift lines to go down before getting you on a lift solo.

Do I need to make reservations to rent skis/snowboard gear? Yes! You can set that up here.

Is there still uphill access? Yes, but you must purchase and display a $20 uphill pass which you can buy here.

Do we have to wear a mask? Yes! Wearing a mask that covers your mouth and nose is required.

Are they still running shuttles? They are! They are running shuttles from the Meadows Parking lot to the base of the ski area at 50% capacity and masks are required.

Can we take the bus from the Mariposa Lodge to the base of the ski area? Yes...’ish! There are a few ways to get from the Mariposa to the base of the ski area without driving. You can call Go Alpine to use their taxi service, you can walk from the lodge to Lincoln Ave, about 7 blocks, and jump on the Red Line which will drop you off at the base of the ski area, or you could use the On-Call Yellow Line local bus service. We do have a few Uber/Lyft drivers in Steamboat, but their schedules aren’t as dependable as the options listed above.

But what about the best part of skiing...apres skiing?! Great question! We were hoping you would ask. Most restaurants are offering to-go food, several have outdoor dining options and some are operating at 25% indoors. The resort has put together this helpful .pdf outlining the resort restaurant options. And let's not forget our very favorite apres location, TBar! They are operating under the Safer Outside guidelines and have outdoor seating with table service available!

Where can I check out the snow report to follow along with the snowfall? Well this one is easy, right here!


Things are different this year, but once you get out there and soak up the magic that the resort has to’s all worth it. If you have any additional questions that you don’t see answered here, let us know and we are happy to answer them. Happy skiing!

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